Treasurer, Board of Directors

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  • Board Position
  • Cedarburg, WI
  • Job Type Details: Board Position

Friends for Health in Haiti (FHH) is a 501c3 registered non-profit based in Milwaukee, WI.  We operate a medical clinic in a remote and mountainous region of southwestern Haiti where we also serve the surrounding communities with public health related services and development programs.  Our U.S. office in Milwaukee area exists primarily to support our U.S. fundraising efforts and to provide overall organizational management.

As treasurer,  you will oversee the general financial management of the organization and serve as a member of our board of directors.

General responsibilities include overseeing the budget for the organization including designated funds, developing and providing financial reports utilizing Quickbooks to the board and other reporting agencies as required to maintain our non-profit status.  FHH completes a yearly third party audit and Form 990.

The Treasurer is the financial watchdog, ensuring the protection of the organization’s funds. The Treasurer is also responsible for reconciling bank statements, managing cash flow, and investing funds in accordance with the law.

As a board member, the treasurer will attend two semi-annual board meetings (often virtual but occasionally in-person in Milwaukee when feasible) where they will present the periodic and annual financial reports as well as provide an assessment of and make recommendations regarding the financial health of the organization.

The approximate time commitment of the Friends for Health in Haiti Treasurer is 24 hours per year or 2 hours a month.

  • 30 Minutes per Month for Report Review
  • 1 Hour per Quarter for Quarterly Report Review
  • 1 Hour per Year for Budget Discussion and Review
  • 1 Hour per Board Meeting for Preparation April/May and November/December
  • 3 Hours per Board Meeting April/May and November/December
  • 5 Hours per Year Accountant Review spread January – May

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