Build the Board You Need

Candid is offering “Build the Board You Need”:

“Join us to learn practical strategies for creating a board that will move your organization forward. In this course, we’ll cover the board’s role, and what your organization needs from its board members. We will explore ways to find the right board members to serve your nonprofit at its current stage. We will also discuss how to create positive relationships with and within the board, and how to navigate the common challenges that arise with boards. Whether you’re an executive director, board member, or development professional, this course will help you plan for a healthy sustainable organization. 

Note: Registrants who do not attend the live webinar will receive a pre-recorded version of this webinar that has been edited to include CART captioning, bookmarks, and other resources.


  • Recruit and engage diverse board members
  • Use a Board Agreement as an integral tool for board establishment and management
  • Identify strategies to establish positive relationship dynamics among board members, the Executive Director, and other key staff
  • Strengthen your current board”

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