Facilitating By Heart Series

Beginning April 12th: UW-Madison Continuing Studies is offering “Facilitating By Heart Series”:

“This five-part, 10-day transformative series teaches team leaders, committee chairs, supervisors and other group leaders the facilitation skills and tools to support groups in working productively and collaboratively while honoring all the voices of the group. Learn to communicate flexibly, transform conflict and make decisions more effectively.


Facilitating by heart implies that one has all the tools and skills that are needed to facilitate with comfort and proficiency, from memory or “by heart.” It also means that the facilitator brings a strong sense of integrity and authenticity to the situation: paying mindful attention to the work of the heart. Someone who facilitates by heart not only cares about getting the task accomplished, s/he/they also care about how the work gets done. A facilitator by heart is able to “read the pulse” of the group to sense what individuals need and what the group needs as a whole in order to work productively and collaboratively.

The series supports you in learning how to:

  • Create inclusive environments that encourage multiple perspectives and full participation of all group members.
  • Understand and capitalize on group members’ learning patterns.
  • Use centering to find the mental/emotional clarity to respond effectively to group process.
  • Listen without judgment to understand others’ perspectives.
  • Ask questions that foster shared understanding.
  • Work successfully with conflict to achieve more innovative, sustainable solutions.
  • Use practical tools for effective agenda-setting, decision-making, and managing data.

You learn in a safe, collaborative learning community where you can bring your full self to the learning experience. Your instructors use interactive facilitation methods that address all learning styles. You experience teaching methods such as dialogue, self-reflection, experiential activities, theory, case studies, modeling, coaching, practice using the skills and tools and fun.

The series is limited to 24 participants so you feel comfortable participating and your specific needs are met by individual feedback and support.”

The event is finished.

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