Follow-Up on Capacity-Building Listening Sessions for Greater Milwaukee Region Nonprofits

This past summer, a collaboration of capacity-builders serving nonprofits, including Jobs That Help, held several listening sessions for nonprofits in the Greater Milwaukee Region. Our goal was to learn how local nonprofits are accessing capacity-building services, where they see the challenges in getting that help, and learn ways a collaboration like ours might assist. If you participated in one of those sessions, thank you—we learned a lot!

Now, we would like to follow-up on one of the points emphasized by nonprofits – more action, less talk. To do this, we are holding two virtual sessions to share what we have learned and have been working on, so far, and to get your feedback on our developing initiatives:

  1. a landing page for nonprofit capacity-building resources and information
  2. a directory of consultants to nonprofits
  3. the possibility of a hub for capacity-building assistance for nonprofits

Follow-Up Session
(Afternoon Option)
Monday 11/1
1:00pm – 2:30pm
Register Here


Follow-Up Session
(Morning Option)
Thursday 11/4
11:00am – 12:30pm
Register Here

The event is finished.

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