Leading Through Challenge and Conflict

UW-Eau Claire Continuing Education is offering “Leading Through Challenge and Conflict”:

“Challenging events require a high degree of trust in you as a leader and skillful conflict management techniques. This online course will focus on some of the most critical skills a leader must have to earn trust and credibility from their colleagues.

Learn Strategies to Earn Trust and Credibility from Your Team

Conflict is an inevitable occurrence in the workplace.  Left unresolved, the negative effects of workplace conflict include employee disengagement and turnover, work disruptions, and project failure.  Leaders need to be able to quickly identify the root causes of conflict and employ strategies to effectively manage it and chart a path forward when it occurs.  In this session, we’ll explore the common sources of workplace conflict, including interpersonal style differences, and share strategies to keep conflict from escalating.  We will discuss the pros and cons of different approaches to conflict and work through a conversation model to help you lead a constructive discussion to find a resolution and move a situation forward.

After completing this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize how conflict can be both positive and negative and identify common causes of conflict in the workplace.
  • Apply strategies to manage challenges and conflict effectively.
  • Understand how differences in behavior styles might cause tension with another person, especially under stress, and effectively coach employees to recognize and manage style differences.
  • Describe different conflict management approaches in order to better work together to reach a resolution to a conflict.
  • Engage in a high-stakes conversation to achieve a resolution that moves a situation forward while making the relationship stronger.”

The event is finished.

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