Proposal Writing Boot Camp

Beginning March 27th and June 3rd: Candid is offering their virtual “Proposal Writing Boot Camp”:

“Learn the essential knowledge and skills to develop effective foundation grant proposals in this four-week course. In this interactive course, you will connect with expert Candid trainers and your peers to learn the practical skills needed to:

  • build the key components of a competitive grant proposal to a foundation
  • develop a well-organized budget
  • identify a targeted list of foundation funding prospects

You will be encouraged to approach your proposal from the funder’s perspective and to think critically about what makes a compelling pitch. To accommodate diversity in learning styles, the four weeks are grounded in project-based learning and include individual writing time, self-paced eLearning, live virtual lectures, and small group discussions and peer activities. 

To learn more about boot camp, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Preparing for the course 

We encourage you to prepare for class by identifying a project for which you would like to seek foundation funding. The workshop will include opportunities to draft a logic model and letter of inquiry that you can use to pursue funding for this project.

With self-paced and live sessions, you should plan to invest a total of 6 to 8 hours per week on the course, broken down in the following way:  

  • Weekly 2-hour live and interactive sessions with expert Candid facilitators 
  • Video and written instructional content diving deeper into the topics covered in each week’s live session for you to review in your own time 
  • Two assignments to support you drafting a need statement and letter of inquiry that you can use when connecting with funders. 

Course at-a-glance 

Week 1: Intro, need statement and analysis

Learn the structure of a grant proposal and develop a need statement.  Draft a need statement for review.  

Week 2: Logic model and Letter of Inquiry

Get an overview of using the logic model framework to craft a project description and evaluation plan. This week will also include an introduction to and review of the letter of inquiry format.  

Week 3: Letter of Inquiry questions and budget

Receive intensive training on developing a project budget. Review the essential components of a full proposal and letter of inquiry. Draft and submit a 1-page letter of inquiry for Week 4’s peer-review exercise.

Week 4: Relationship building and LOI review 

Learn how to research, approach, and cultivate relationships with funders. Engage in expert and peer review of your submitted letter of inquiry. Wrap up with summary exercises and evaluation.”

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