Financially Strong Nonprofits | Tone at the Top Matters

Wegner CPAs is hosting the webinar, “Financially Strong Nonprofits | Tone at the Top Matters”:

“Being a financially strong nonprofit is about more than the amount of cash in the bank. Using a holistic approach, this series will explore common characteristics and best practices for sustainable financial health.

Tone at the Top Matters

Internal controls are often seen as primarily an accounting function and do not receive organization-wide attention. Yet a strong control environment involving everyone in the organization has a significant impact on financial strength and mission achievement.

Learning Objectives

  1. Analyze the internal control framework’s essential elements for setting the tone at the top and minimizing risks
  2. Evaluate optimal communication strategies emphasizing everyone’s role in building a strong internal control foundation


Melodi Bunting, CPA, CMA, CGMA, Training and Career Development Manager at Wegner CPAs, develops and coordinates effective internal and external training opportunities, and constructs a career development plan for each staff member of the Assurance department. Additionally, Melodi works with the audit team performing audits and tax return preparation for a number of different tax-exempt organizations. Melodi annually attends continuing professional education seminars on accounting, auditing, compliance, and tax issues.”

The event is finished.

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