Understanding Donors
The Georgia Center for Nonprofits is offering “Understanding Donors”:
“To keep your current donors and attract new ones, you must first understand current trends in fundraising from individuals. Next, perform an honest and accurate assessment of your current constituents’ motivations for giving and potential for future engagement. You will then be able to segment your donors and new targets, and focus both messages (what you are saying and how) and methods (where you are reaching your audiences) to appeal to each segment.
This course will give participants the tools needed to understand donors’ motivations for giving, segment their donor base, and attract new donors across segments (including across generations). GCN experts will help participants “think like a donor,” exploring data and trends in the current fundraising environment, and designing plans to maximize donor engagement and to create meaningful experiences to drive donations.
During this session, participants will explore tools for segmenting donors.
Key Concepts
- Current fundraising environment: data and trends
- Development-cycle models
- Donor segmentation
- Fundraising across generations
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Summarize current trends in giving to nonprofits and fundraising from individuals.
- Identify meaningful donor segments for your organization.
- Give examples of effective use of targeted messages and tailored approaches.
Team members who engage with fundraising, especially from individuals:
- Fundraising and development staff
- Marketing/communications staff
- Senior leadership
- Board members, especially serving on fundraising committees”