5 Simple Steps to Draw Skilled Candidates to Your Job Post

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Updated July 25, 2022 | Ben Hastil

You just posted your opportunity on our Job Listings, but more openings are posted every day, so how do you draw attention to yours?

In addition to taking these ten steps to fine-tune your job post, here are five simple steps that any organization can take, which we see result in an increase in the traffic to the organization’s openings posted on Jobs That Help:

  1. Post about your job post on Jobs That Help on your organization’s social media channels (making multiple social media posts while the job is listed is helpful, as each one will only be displayed in a fraction of the news feeds of the followers of your organization’s social media, due to the algorithms of the news feeds) and ask followers to share the job post in their circles.
  1. Send an email out to your organization’s email list subscribers or include a notice in your newsletter about your job post (and ask your subscribers to share the news about the job opening in their circles, too).
  1. Ask supportive local organizations and networks that may have a helpful reach (such as the local United Way, chamber of commerce, relevant college program, professional association or network, relevant LinkedIn or Facebook group, etc.) if they would share your job post on their social media or with their email list subscribers (we also utilize such connections to publicize your job posts in this way!).
  2. Scan our Resume Bank for potential candidates (one to two new resumes are posted on it by a job seeker every day, on average!), and reach out to them to share your job post on Jobs That Help with them and invite them to apply or interview.
  3. Add a note on your website that your job openings can also be found on Jobs That Help with a link to us (providing a link to us has the extra benefit of indicating to search engines that Jobs That Help should be listed higher in search results for job openings like yours, helping job seekers find your openings more easily). In fact, this is so helpful, we encourage you to contact us to let us know if you have done this, so that we can send a thank you your way!

We hope these five steps provide a useful starting place for promoting your job post. Have another step that you would add? Let us know!

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